Three Little Pigs 2
One day, arriving the eldest pig's gorgeous house, the big, bad wolf tried to blow it down with all his might; nevertheless, the house remained still. However, the eldest pig had already fled far away to a mountain out of fear and he became a wild boar.
Then the big, bad wolf came to the third pig's castle in the air. After a hard blow by the wolf, the castle collapsed right away. Afterwards, the third pig calmly said it was nothing at all, as long as everyone would praise his achievements.
Finally, the wolf came to the second pig's empty, old house. After a light blow by the wolf, nothing was blown away except a desk and chair. And where was the second pig? He was above the wolf in the air watching and smiling
三隻小豬 2
有一天, 大野狼來到老大的豪華住家前, 用力一吹, 房子聞風不動。
但是, 老大卻早已嚇得飛奔而逃, 跑到山裡當山豬了。
然後, 大野狼來到了老三的空中閣樓, 用力一吹, 整個閣樓從空中崩塌。
老三卻說沒事沒事, 只要大家都會感嘆他的豐功偉績就好。
最後, 大野狼來到老二空無一物的老屋, 輕輕一吹, 只吹走了唯一的桌椅, 卻沒看到老二, 原來老二人在空中微笑著看著。
Aug 28, 2021 10:01

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